Posts Tagged ‘hutterite’

Pretty much the title says it all. I’ve been wondering these last few days… some really wierd things have been happening, and my responses… gee, Is it the music i listen to?

For one, lately i’m having trouble remembering things from my (near-past) memory. For example, i know that there is a specific educated sounding word for (near-past) but my the tracks in my brain are jumbled so much, that my thought-train can’t run fast enough to produce the correct words and intelligible thoughts. In fact, this jumbled blog should give you an excellent example of exactly what i’m talking about?

Another example: I’m having trouble sleeping. This has never ever happenend in the history of Zacness. Usually when i hit the pillow, i’m out! Lately i fall asleep fast, but i have strange dreams. Often and many! Last night i dreamed that i had met the girl of my dreams, she worked in a Taco Bell in a small airport town. I was head over feet in love with her. I daily went to the fast food joint for a chalupa just to see her. When she asked my name, all i could muster was: Elvis.

Strange, wouldn’t you agree?

For as long as i can remember my mother has warned me about the ‘devil’s music’ and the dangers thereof. I just never thought that it would be this serious, and drastic, this fast.

Solving the problem.? I don’t know really, i’m hoping someone will be able to help me out with this one. What is the answer. What i’m doing as of now for a remedy is a full-blown renassaince of thinking and entertainment. I Have begun on a venture to read literature. Good classical stuff, from the George Orwells, and Socrates’ and How To Kill a Mockingbirds. Also, i have immersed myself into a world of chess-playing. I’m hopic this will re-instill the logic and quick decision-making skills into my brain, My young brothers have endured many matches with me lately. Lastly, i started listening to classical music, christmas carols and the such.

Favorite christmas tunes: Handels Messiah (hallelujah) by Relient K; Angels we have heard on high by Third Day; Joy To the World by Mariah Carey; and the such….